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Power Rangers August Listings -- Updated 8/28

Started by KyL416, July 31, 2020, 06:22:03 AM

Burgundy Ranger

Hey, at least the Sunday night Nicktoons slots are back. Or is that only until they realize they've been pre-empted for the 4 previous weeks?


No episodes are listed yet, but the Nicktoons weekday strip of Beast Morphers returns the week of 8/31.

Burgundy Ranger

Weird -- Zap2It has episode details for the start of that week with the Sponge in the 10:00 and 10:30 slots.


The change was made in this mornings update, it didn't hit Zap2it yet.

EDIT: I just checked the TMS API that powers Zap2it, some of the updates for Nicktoons just hit there, so they should appear next time Zap2it does their update.


I just looked at Zap2it, and apparently they are also airing reruns of Beast Morphers S1 in the Aug 28th Marathon. Not sure if your grids show them yet, but I just wanted to let you know.


The grids from this morning still just have the S2 episodes in the marathon. Those only get refreshed once a day, so they changed it since then. Tommorow morning's update should have the changes, along with the weekday strip episodes that are starting with S2.


Burgundy Ranger

With 'August' running until 9/6, we might be waiting until the latter part of that week before the September grids get issued.

One little surely temporary quirk -- for Thursday 9/3, Zap2It shows the Sponge on Nicktoons SD but Beast Morphers on Nicktoons HD.


Yeah, it varies sometimes they update the HD feed first, othertimes they update the SD first.

Also, there's a chance Labor Day weekend is pre-empted on Nick. Right now TMS/Gracenote has SpongeBob in the 8am slot on 9/6, but no episode title is listed.

Burgundy Ranger

Looks like my idea of having the weekend of Sept 5/6 be the final & conclusive tea leaf to read isn't going to happen.

Also, the weekday 10/10:30 reruns cycle back to the start of Season 1 on Friday 9/4. Going twice a day, the 29 eps in the 'rerun bank' are only 2 weeks' worth.


Don't expect Teletoon to give you hints either, after Secret Struggle on 8/29 they loop back to Believe It or Not on 9/5.



Still no September listings for the Nick networks yet? Just going by what you got from TV listing site grids?

When will September listings fully come out for Nickelodeon?


Nick does Monday-Sunday weeks and currently goes until 9/6. So they don't have to really release anything further until next Wednesday or Thursday so it will trickle down in time, but hopefully sooner.

Nickelodeon usually bases their daytime schedule on the NYC school calendar, so they might be waiting for a final decision before triggering their fall plans.

Burgundy Ranger

Zap2It shows next Monday's 10:00 & 10:30 Nicktoons slots as now starting with 'Beasts Unleashed' -- the start of LAST season.

Nick has routinely waited until they're in the last week of the previously released month -- knowing that listings services have details only through that Sunday -- before releasing v1.0 of the next month.