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Power Rangers Dino Fury Episode Titles & Descriptions -- Updated 8/26

Started by KyL416, February 03, 2021, 06:06:36 AM


Quote from: KyL416 on May 26, 2021, 06:08:32 PM
That's far from a reliable source. Most of the time that's just them posting something Hasbro's social media reps told them to post at a given time so it likely contains the same potential error that PR's social media team posted. (The same social media team that has prescheduled reaction tweets during premieres that forget to account for commercial breaks, lol)

If it was an error or mistype, the PR Twitter would have quickly deleted it and put up an updated/fixed version by now, it's been 1 hour, and they never deleted the tweet.


This is the same show where they used a domain on air they never reserved so it's now hosting this site, and also contacted me in the past trying to find out if some employee leaked detailed episode descriptions (not realizing that it's the same detailed descriptions that they released to the networks and listings providers and appeared on, so they quickly sent out revised less detailed episode descriptions, lol), I wouldn't use their social media/internet savy (or lack of) as concrete proof of anything.

Don't get your hopes up, just wait and see what appears on Netflix when they add it to their coming soon section in a week or two.

Burgundy Ranger

I bought it at first and then came here. I'm relenting and thinking this is an out-of-control thing spawned by a not-fully-clued-in social media intern(?) who just did the math. ("half of 22 is 11")

ADD: So, what will be the first "official" place where we might get clarification on this? IF TRUE, might we even see changes to the Nick/N'toons rerun schedule and, to the greatest extreme, might this even mean an early end to the PR/Hasbro-Nick agreement altogether?


Ranger Command Power Hour contacted Hasbro questioning them about the whole Dino Fury on Netflix situation, Hasbro contacted them back, confirming episodes 1-11 on Netflix this June 15th!

Burgundy Ranger

What's going to be interesting is how episodes 12-22 get rolled out. (At some point, KyL is going to be adding something to the Netflix section here for the first time in almost 5 years!)

After today, I guess they can go back to a summer of international spoilage and then back to Nick but that would be awkward, at best.


The Power Rangers Kids YouTube channel upload episode 12's preview clip recently, it has the episode title and description in the video description.


KyL, do you have any updates for the TV premiere for ep 9 yet?

I ask this because TVPassport is showing a Sept 4 date for Ep9, so that date is either for Teletoon in Canada or for Nickelodeon in the US.


Yes French episode titles are out, no I'm not going to post them here since the French dub makes up their own titles and descriptions instead of simply translating the English ones, and they have a history of including major spoilers. (i.e. the french dub of Source Code was titled "Venjix", a reveal that the producers went so far out of their way to try to keep a secret that they had the actor voicing him use a fake name for the entire series)

EDIT: An example of them spoiling things this season:
"Unexpected Guest"
A familiar face arrives on Earth and Zayto dismisses his quest as a distraction; after he saves the Rangers from a powerful Sporix Beast, Zayto realizes an important lesson.

vs French where the spoilers are so obvious, you don't even need to understand French to be spoiled by the episode title:
"Le prisme de nexus"
Les Power Rangers voient arriver un homme-oiseau. En ralité, il s'agit de Mick, un ancien membre des Power Rangers de retour pour retrouver le Prisme de Nexus. Les Rangers sont sceptiques.

Their description for the Halloween episode is even worse when it comes to spoilers...


Zap2it has updated, now showing Cut Off for Dino Fury, tho....

Zap2it shows the date of the Netflix drop back in June instead of a TV premiere date.

"Aired June 15, 2021"


Teletoon's English feed now has Cut Off on their schedule for 9/4 at 1:30pm ET/PT.

(Télétoon's French feed is debuting Destination Dinohenge on the same day at 12:30pm ET)

Pop UK finally has Dino Fury on their schedule too starting Wednesday, September 1st at 18:02 UK Time.


TheFutonCritic has confirmed a Sept 18th return date for Power Rangers Dino Fury!!!


POP UK has revealed a bunch of episode descriptions on their site's full September schedule, but there is no episode titles on the site.


Added the descriptions, the actual numbers for most of these episodes are up in the air until Nick gets to them and confirms if the Halloween episode is numbered as part of the core run or #1021.

Pop will be airing Super Hotshot on 9/16.

Burgundy Ranger

Good call for now but I think we're all expecting Halloween to get the usual #21 numbering treatment. Just gotta actually see it first.


Quote from: Burgundy Ranger on September 04, 2021, 08:37:07 AM
Good call for now but I think we're all expecting Halloween to get the usual #21 numbering treatment. Just gotta actually see it first.

Actually, Simon Bennett confirmed on Twitter that the production numbers are finally fixed, meaning the Halloween ep is indeed ep 14 in airing and production numbers.