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Bonus Areas => Power Rangers Listings => Topic started by: KyL416 on April 29, 2015, 09:52:19 PM

Title: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/22
Post by: KyL416 on April 29, 2015, 09:52:19 PM
All Times Eastern/Pacific
Nickelodeon episodes are available 3 hours later via Nickelodeon West on DirecTV and Dish and Nick 2 on select digital cable providers
Schedule Subject to Change

Friday, May 1
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Grass is Always Greener... or Bluer"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "In the Driver's Seat"

Saturday, May 2
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"

Sunday, May 3
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"

Monday, May 4
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "All Hail Prince Vekar"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Vrak is Back, Part 1"

Tuesday, May 5
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Vrak is Back, Part 2"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Emperor Mavro"

Wednesday, May 6
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Wrath"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Legendary Battle"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Mega Mission"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "He Blasted Me With Science"

Thursday, May 7
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Mega Mission"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "He Blasted Me With Science"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Going Viral"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Stranger Ranger"

Friday, May 8
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Going Viral"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Stranger Ranger"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "United We Stand"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Harmony and Dizchord"

Saturday, May 9
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"

Sunday, May 10
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"
6:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
6:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"

Monday, May 11
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "United We Stand"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Harmony and Dizchord"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "United We Stand"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Harmony and Dizchord"

Tuesday, May 12
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Who's Crying Now?"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Robo Knight"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Who's Crying Now?"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Robo Knight"

Wednesday, May 13
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Prince Takes Knight"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Man and Machine"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Prince Takes Knight"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Man and Machine"

Thursday, May 14
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Ultra Power"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Last Laugh"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Ultra Power"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Last Laugh"

Friday, May 15
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Dream Snatcher"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Gosei Ultimate"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Dream Snatcher"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Gosei Ultimate"

Saturday, May 16
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return Of The Caveman"
1:00pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Super Megaforce"
1:30pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Silver Lining, Part 1"
2:00pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Silver Lining, Part 2"
2:30pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Power of Six"
3:00pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "All Hail Prince Vekar"
3:30pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Vrak is Back, Part 1"
4:00pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Vrak is Back, Part 2"
4:30pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Emperor Mavro"
5:00pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Wrath"
5:30pm Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Legendary Battle"

Sunday, May 17
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
1:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
1:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"
2:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"
3:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
3:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return Of The Caveman"
4:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
4:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
5:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
5:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"
6:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
6:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Chareg "Double Ranger, Double Danger"

Monday, May 18
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Human Factor"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Rico the Robot"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Human Factor"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Rico the Robot"

Tuesday, May 19
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Staying on Track"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Human Condition"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Staying on Track"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Human Condition"

Wednesday, May 20
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Messenger"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "End Game"
5:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Messenger"
5:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "End Game"

Thursday, May 21
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Super Megaforce"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Earth Fights Back"
5:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Super Megaforce"
5:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Earth Fights Back"

Friday, May 22
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Blue Saber Saga"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "A Lion's Alliance"
5:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Blue Saber Saga"
5:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "A Lion's Alliance"

Sunday, May 24
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
6:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
6:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return Of The Caveman"

Monday, May 25
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Samurai Surprise"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Spirit of the Tiger"

Tuesday, May 26
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Silver Lining, Part 1"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Silver Lining, Part 2"

Wednesday, May 27
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Power of Six"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Perfect Storm"

Thursday, May 28
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Love is in the Air"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "United as One"

Friday, May 29
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Grass is Always Greener... or Bluer"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "In the Driver's Seat"

Saturday, May 30
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"

Sunday, May 31
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
6:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
6:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/4
Post by: KyL416 on May 04, 2015, 02:47:20 PM
Added schedule for the final week of May
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/14
Post by: KyL416 on May 14, 2015, 09:13:59 PM
Changes to the weekend and weekday schedules effective last Wednesday. The final week has yet to be updated
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/14
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on May 16, 2015, 01:30:35 PM
It's like they couldn't figure out whether they wanted to program the 5-6am hour to lead in to the 9-10 or not.

That's where the 'usual' approach of the program day starting at 6am gets in the way. That 5-6am hour is the start of most people's real day, not the end.

So I think the setup they wound up with, where 5-6 is two eps and 9-10 is the two that follow, is the best way to go.
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/14
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on May 16, 2015, 01:40:22 PM
Only problem with that is that the 5-6 of late Fri/very early Sat doesn't lead in to anything and the 9-10 of Monday has nothing before it.

Oh well. Who's watching at 5 am anyhow?
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/14
Post by: KyL416 on May 16, 2015, 02:42:41 PM
The bigger question, who the hell debuts a new schedule on a Wednesday?
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/16
Post by: KyL416 on May 16, 2015, 05:05:19 PM
Updated the schedule for the rest of the month
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/16
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on May 19, 2015, 07:33:50 PM
Be on watch for a yanking of this Saturday's noon slot.
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/16
Post by: KyL416 on May 19, 2015, 08:50:25 PM
Yep already been yanked, updating now.

Since it's Nick, they're probably not going to update the cycle for the rest of their run. (Of course now that I said that, we'll probably get an update Friday afternoon changing it)
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/22
Post by: KyL416 on May 22, 2015, 11:39:39 PM
5am is gone starting Monday
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/22
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on May 23, 2015, 11:04:42 AM
June's early Nick grids are out. No apparent adjustment for today's pre-empt, but we have:

Jun 6-7: eps 2 & 3
Jun 13-14: 4 & 5
Jun 20-21: 6 & 7
Jun 27-28: 8 & 2
Jul 4-5: 1 & 4

So, next weekend starts a straight 1-8 cycle. The one after that starts goofy but essentially skips ep 3.

Adding 5-8 to the end of that cycle and then adding one more full 1-8 run, we get to Aug 22 as a slightly increased favorite as the date for resumption of new eps.

Starting then -- and then skipping 9/26 for Day of Play and putting the Halloween special on 10/31 -- puts the core finale on 11/21 with the Xmas special available for any Saturday in December.
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/22
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on May 30, 2015, 11:25:52 AM
June's out. BORRR-RING. Inital grids show only one variance - the 6pm slot of the Sunday 2-hour block on NT on June 28 is pre-empted for an Avatar-a-thon. Just DC 5-7 that day. The next Sunday goes back to DC 1-4.

Changes to other shows start Monday but the weekday PRM/SM 9-10 hour trudges on without break.
Title: Re: Power Rangers May Listings -- Updated 5/22
Post by: KyL416 on May 30, 2015, 06:13:43 PM
In other words, expect a revamp with little warning mid-month because Nicktoons can never leave well enough alone