All Times Eastern/Pacific
Nickelodeon episodes are available 3 hours later via Nickelodeon West on DirecTV and Dish and Nick 2 on select digital cable providers
Schedule Subject to Change
Wednesday, July 1
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "All Hail Prince Vekar"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Vrak is Back, Part 1"
Thursday, July 2
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Vrak is Back, Part 2"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Emperor Mavro"
Friday, July 3
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
9:30am Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
Saturday, July 4
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
Sunday, July 5
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return of the Caveman"
6:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
6:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return Of The Caveman"
Monday, July 6
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Wrath"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Legendary Battle"
Tuesday, July 7
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Mega Mission"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "He Blasted Me With Science"
Wednesday, July 8
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Going Viral"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Stranger Ranger"
Thursday, July 9
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "United We Stand"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Harmony and Dizchord"
Friday, July 10
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
9:30am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"
Saturday, July 11
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
Sunday, July 12
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
Monday, July 13
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Who's Crying Now?"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Robo Knight"
Tuesday, July 14
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Prince Takes Knight"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Man and Machine"
Wednesday, July 15
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Ultra Power"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Last Laugh"
Thursday, July 16
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Dream Snatcher"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Gosei Ultimate"
Friday, July 17
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
9:30am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"
Saturday, July 18
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
Sunday, July 19
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"
Monday, July 20
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Human Factor"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "Rico the Robot"
Tuesday, July 21
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "Staying on Track"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Human Condition"
Wednesday, July 22
9:00am Power Rangers Megaforce "The Messenger"
9:30am Power Rangers Megaforce "End Game"
10:00pm Power Rangers Samurai "Deal with a Nighlok"
Thursday, July 23
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Super Megaforce"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Earth Fights Back"
Friday, July 24
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"
9:30am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return Of The Caveman"
Saturday, July 25
12:00pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
Sunday, July 26
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"
12:00pm Power Rangers Samurai "Deal with a Nighlok"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"
Monday, July 27
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Blue Saber Saga"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "A Lion's Alliance"
Tuesday, July 28
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Samurai Surprise"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Spirit of the Tiger"
Wednesday, July 29
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Silver Lining, Part 1"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Silver Lining, Part 2"
Thursday, July 30
9:00am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "Power of Six"
9:30am Power Rangers Super Megaforce "The Perfect Storm"
Friday, July 31
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"
9:30am Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"
You're gonna love this. Got v1 (of what'll be many) of the full July blok of Nicktoons grids.
First, check your July 22 listings. I'm seeing a 10 P.M. showing of "Deal With a Nighlok." Can't figure out a theme of that night that leads in to a rerun of the Sports Awards.
But that's not the end of the apparent Samurai resurgence. It comes back to the 9-10 am weekday block with eps 3-8 on Mon-Wed July 27-29. Super Megaforce stays on Thursday and Dino Charge still on Friday.
Yeah I got some updates yesterday filling the blanks in on some weekends
My guess, they're doing it because Deal With A Nighlok is the little league episode with that kid's "ghost" dad. Previous weekends have sports themed shows in the 11am-1pm timeslot on Sundays, Soccer Superstar on 7/12, Wild Grinders on 7/19, 7/26 has sports themed episodes of random shows.
They just showed a new trailer at Comic-Con with a confirmation of Aug. 29 as the return date. (But I'm assuming you latched on to that)
It looks like M-W Samurai is gone, the 7/27 schedule now has them continuing the Super Megaforce run Monday-Thursdays. I'll update it soon