All Times Eastern/Pacific
Nickelodeon episodes are available 3 hours later via Nickelodeon West on DirecTV and Dish and Nick 2 on select digital cable providers
Schedule Subject to Change
Friday, January 1
Saturday, January 2
Sunday, January 3
8:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Save Our Shores"
Monday, January 4
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Beasts Unleashed"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Evox's Revenge"
Tuesday, January 5
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "End of the Road"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Digital Deception"
Wednesday, January 6
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Taking Care of Business"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Hangar Heist"
Thursday, January 7
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "A Friend Indeed"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Cybergate Opens"
Friday, January 8
Saturday, January 9
Sunday, January 10
Monday, January 11
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Tools of the Betrayed"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Real Steel"
Tuesday, January 12
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Tuba Triumph"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Sound and Fury"
Wednesday, January 13
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Seeing Red"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Gorilla Art"
Thursday, January 14
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Ranger Reveal"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Rewriting History"
Friday, January 15
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Target: Tower"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Evox: Upgraded"
12:00am Power Rangers (2017)
Saturday, January 16
Sunday, January 17
8:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Game On!"
8:30am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Artist Anonymous"
Monday, January 18
Tuesday, January 19
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Believe It or Not"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Save Our Shores"
Wednesday, January 20
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Game On!"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Artist Anonymous"
Thursday, January 21
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Cruisin' for a Bruisin'"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Blame Game"
Friday, January 22
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Beast King Rampage"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Secret Struggle"
Saturday, January 23
Sunday, January 24
8:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Cruisin' for a Bruisin'"
10:00pm Power Rangers (2017)
Monday, January 25
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Greater Good"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Finders Keepers"
Tuesday, January 26
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Grid Connection"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Golden Opportunity"
Wednesday, January 27
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Goin' Ape"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Silva Switch"
Thursday, January 28
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Fossil Frenzy"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Crunch Time"
Friday, January 29
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Source Code"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Evox Unleashed"
Saturday, January 30
Sunday, January 31
8:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Blame Game"
Added Nicktoons for the rest of the month
Added another airing of the PR movie on 1/24
There's also a pre-emption on Nick this Sunday so they can have an all day Spongebob marathon as the leadin to "The SpongeBob SportsPants Countdown Special" that's airing before the NFL Wildcard game. The episode that was going to air on Sunday now airing as part of an hour block the following Sunday.
Any early previews for Feb listings yet?
Quote from: Theagames10 on January 21, 2021, 07:57:09 PM
Any early previews for Feb listings yet?
But they're covered on published listings through the entirety of next week (ending Sunday 1/31). Looking for something now is a bit of a hopeful reach ... but if we don't who will??? ;D
Yeah, February 1st is a Monday this year, so there won't be any early first weekend preview like we get on other months.
EDIT: I'm also checking the Gracenote/TMS API daily since sometimes they get things first if international networks like Teletoon send their monthly schedule out before Nick does, and they still don't have any series entry for Dino Fury.
Gracenote got some of February up, still no sign of a "Season 28" for Power Rangers in their database, but Nick's rerun cycle expands to Saturdays on 2/6
Also, since February has 28 days, March will be another month where Nick doesn't have to send the schedule out until the last minute.