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Bonus Areas => Power Rangers Listings => Topic started by: KyL416 on January 26, 2021, 06:07:41 AM

Title: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/19
Post by: KyL416 on January 26, 2021, 06:07:41 AM
All Times Eastern/Pacific
Nickelodeon episodes are available 3 hours later via Nickelodeon West on DirecTV and Dish and Nick 2 on select digital cable providers
Schedule Subject to Change

Monday, February 1
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Beasts Unleashed"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Evox's Revenge"

Tuesday, February 2
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "End of the Road"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Digital Deception"

Wednesday, February 3
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Taking Care of Business"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Hangar Heist"

Thursday, February 4
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "A Friend Indeed"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Cybergate Opens"

Friday, February 5
2:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Silver Sacrifice"
2:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Thrills and Drills"

Saturday, February 6

Sunday, February 7
8:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Secret Struggle"

Monday, February 8
1:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Evox Snare"

Tuesday, February 9

Wednesday, February 10

Thursday, February 11

Friday, February 12

Saturday, February 13
9:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Grid Connection"
9:30am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Golden Opportunity"
8:00pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Goin' Ape"
8:30pm Power Rangers Beast Morphers "The Silva Switch"

Sunday, February 14
8:00am Power Rangers Beast Morphers "Intruder Alert!"

Monday, February 15

Tuesday, February 16
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Powers From The Past"

Wednesday, February 17
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Past, Present and Fusion"

Thursday, February 18
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "A Fool's Hour"

Friday, February 19
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Return Of The Caveman"

Saturday, February 20
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Destination Dinohenge" -- Premiere

Sunday, February 21
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Destination Dinohenge"

Monday, February 22
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Destination Dinohenge"

Tuesday, February 23
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Breaking Black"

Wednesday, February 24
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "The Tooth Hurts"

Thursday, February 25
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"

Friday, February 26
2:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "Double Ranger, Double Danger"

Saturday, February 27
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Sporix Unleashed" -- Premiere
8:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Destination Dinohenge"
8:30pm Power Rangers Dino Charge "When Logic Fails"

Sunday, February 28
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Sporix Unleashed"
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on January 26, 2021, 06:48:35 AM
The only thing I see is that Nick doesn't revive the Saturday 8 a.m. slot just to run a LOT of weeks of reruns. We'll see.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Theagames10 on January 26, 2021, 10:06:11 AM
Said this on Twitter, so i'll put it here:

To me, it doesn't feel like Nick to have reruns back but then just stop after 2 weeks. There HAS to be something on Feb 20th.

There HAS to be more listings TheFutonCritic missed.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: KyL416 on January 28, 2021, 08:35:16 PM
Gracenote's API now has a series entry for Dino Fury.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on January 28, 2021, 08:39:58 PM
Quote from: KyL416 on January 28, 2021, 08:35:16 PM
Gracenote's API now has a series entry for Dino Fury.
It's coming ... ya gotta see it ....
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Theagames10 on January 28, 2021, 09:34:51 PM
Quote from: KyL416 on January 28, 2021, 08:35:16 PM
Gracenote's API now has a series entry for Dino Fury.

I am actually confused at what that means, but I guess the update to "Next US Power Rangers Episode" on the top means that it's a Feb date?
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on January 31, 2021, 08:18:34 AM
To the un-nuanced eye, there's still no ironclad proof that PRDF is premiering in February.
(Don't get me wrong, there's PLENTY of nuance on this board! ;D )

The unusual-ness of it not showing up SOMEWHERE by the last day of January is allowing the door of doubt to creak open ... just a BIT.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on February 02, 2021, 07:31:06 AM
They're teasing us, aren't they? Another week of Nicktoons listings but leaving Monday 2/22 2 pm blank?

Also, that's some messed up episode order for Feb 22-25.

*Things that make you go "Hmmm .... "*

Also wondering if any weekend Nicktoons slots come back once DF starts.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Theagames10 on February 02, 2021, 08:34:39 AM
Quote from: Burgundy Ranger on February 02, 2021, 07:31:06 AM
They're teasing us, aren't they? Another week of Nicktoons listings but leaving Monday 2/22 2 pm blank?

Also, that's some messed up episode order for Feb 22-25.

*Things that make you go "Hmmm .... "*

Also wondering if any weekend Nicktoons slots come back once DF starts.

Ok, im calling it. Dino Fury is a Feb 20th premiere. They are either def teasing the premiere at this point or Nick is forgetting about their own grids. There is no Beast Morphers on Feb 20th, and the Feb 22nd rerun is possibly Nicktoons DF premiere.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on February 02, 2021, 09:16:10 AM
Quote from: Theagames10 on February 02, 2021, 08:34:39 AM
Quote from: Burgundy Ranger on February 02, 2021, 07:31:06 AM
They're teasing us, aren't they? Another week of Nicktoons listings but leaving Monday 2/22 2 pm blank?

Also, that's some messed up episode order for Feb 22-25.

*Things that make you go "Hmmm .... "*

Also wondering if any weekend Nicktoons slots come back once DF starts.
Ok, im calling it. Dino Fury is a Feb 20th premiere. They are either def teasing the premiere at this point or Nick is forgetting about their own grids. There is no Beast Morphers on Feb 20th, and the Feb 22nd rerun is possibly Nicktoons DF premiere.

I'm confining my speculation conversation to here because some folk over on Twitter can't separate that from fact. I've never seen a new-series rollout that's tap-danced around revealing the actual date more than this one.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: KyL416 on February 02, 2021, 04:36:47 PM
Yeah, there's a bunch of To Be Announced blocks on Nick and Nicktoons in February, and not just in PR's regular timeslots, So for all we know it could have a special premiere on another day, or there will be a complete schedule revamp and PR will have new timeslots. (i.e. they announced the 2021 KCA's today, so that could have been the thing preventing them from revealing the rest of their 1Q 2021 plans)

So I'm not giving a date and time for sure until it actually appears on the schedule, especially with Nick's habbit of waiting until the last minute for changes.

(Meanwhile over at Disney, they have no problem telling you when new episodes will return months in advanced and have promos saying when the next new episode will air if the following week isn't showing a new episode)
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: KyL416 on February 02, 2021, 04:42:30 PM the fuck is Stranger Things nominated in a bunch of categories in 2021 when they haven't had a new season since Summer 2019, which won most of their categories in 2020.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings
Post by: Theagames10 on February 02, 2021, 10:37:44 PM
Quote from: KyL416 on February 02, 2021, 04:36:47 PM
Yeah, there's a bunch of To Be Announced blocks on Nick and Nicktoons in February, and not just in PR's regular timeslots, So for all we know it could have a special premiere on another day, or there will be a complete schedule revamp and PR will have new timeslots. (i.e. they announced the 2021 KCA's today, so that could have been the thing preventing them from revealing the rest of their 1Q 2021 plans)

So I'm not giving a date and time for sure until it actually appears on the schedule, especially with Nick's habbit of waiting until the last minute for changes.

(Meanwhile over at Disney, they have no problem telling you when new episodes will return months in advanced and have promos saying when the next new episode will air if the following week isn't showing a new episode)

Those other TBA things are for that new Tooned In game show on Nick. (Had to add that there is also TBA movies as well.)
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/3
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on February 03, 2021, 07:25:06 AM
YESSIR. I was going to post last night on how KyL was being a killjoy in all of this but .... I digress.

"Unleashed" is becoming too much of a crutch word in these episode titles, morphing calls and catch phrases, though.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/4
Post by: KyL416 on February 04, 2021, 06:05:56 AM
So much for the early return of Saturday's on Nick, lol. They've been replaced with SpongeBob reruns with no adjustment in the cycle, so the last 2 episodes of Beast Morphers to air on Nick will be 1008 on 2/7 and 1010 on 2/14.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/5
Post by: KyL416 on February 05, 2021, 06:25:55 AM
There's a massive Nicktoons schedule change starting on Monday. PR is reduced to Saturdays at 9am, 9:30am, 8pm and 8:30pm along with what's potentially the encore slot of Mondays at 1:30pm. The grids currently have blocks of To Be Announced in those slots after Dino Fury premieres, so it's possible one of the Saturday slots will become an additional Dino Fury encore alongside the Beast Morphers reruns.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/9
Post by: KyL416 on February 09, 2021, 01:36:57 PM
The filled in some of the TBA on 2/27 with Dino Charge.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/9
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on February 09, 2021, 07:47:53 PM
I saw this last post and thought, "Oh KyL was typing too fast and put in the wrong show."

Then, I looked .... nope.

Makes me think that the 9am and 8pm slots will be for older Dino Fury episodes once the morning slot has gone through enough.

But if they want to impress me and go all-in on this "Dinos for everybody" kick, they'd make those slots Dino Thunder.

But they don't have the dinosaur eggs to do it.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/10
Post by: KyL416 on February 10, 2021, 06:12:25 AM
Yet another massive Nicktoons schedule change starting next week...

What's potentially the Dino Fury slots for Nicktoons are still listed as TBA
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/10
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on February 10, 2021, 07:00:42 AM
Shoulda learned way before now that these schedule changes always seem to get posted in a very haphazard, piecemeal fashion. It always seems to take a few days for it to settle in to its final form.

But this is, by far, the earliest the previous incarnation of PR has been 100% pulled from the schedule since PR has been on Nick.

First little ticky-tack move by Nick against Hasbro in what might just play out as the last year of the agreement -- one in which PRDF concludes somewhere else?
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/12
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on February 14, 2021, 11:07:48 AM
There are some, surely temporary, conflicts between what you're seeing and what Zap2It is posting.

They're still hanging on to 4-slots-on-Saturday for 2/27 and have "Destination" in both the 9am and 8pm slots.

Even more confusing is an ACTUAL listing for "Sporix" on Monday 3/1 -- which you'd think wouldn't be released yet since it's way too early for March schedules to have been sent out yet (unless you see the first morsels and just aren't doing the March post yet)

FEB 17 UPDATE: Zap still has TBA in what we think is the Monday 2/22 2:30 and Saturday 2/27 8pm PRDF rerun slots. I'm sure you see that and it why you have ? next to those listings. I think they're going to happen like that, just some bug in getting that info to the web sites -- but isn't that like Nick, to have it straight in-house but can't communicate it to everyone else?

FEB 18: I can see why you're holding off posting any updates. What we see this morning on Zap is a 180 from yesterday. The detailed March listings continue, but now with PRDC in both the Monday & Tuesday 2:30 slots.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/12
Post by: KyL416 on February 18, 2021, 05:46:27 PM
Yeah, I've had the first week of March since I posted episode 3 and it always had Dino Charge in the weekday slots, Gracenote was likely using an earlier revision and didn't get that update yet. That's why I'm holding off until they fill in those various TBA blocks with actual shows and/or movies.
Title: Re: Power Rangers February Listings -- Updated 2/19
Post by: KyL416 on February 19, 2021, 06:06:24 AM
They filled in the TBAs with Dino Fury and adjusted the Dino Charge run for next week to account for the schedule changes and pre-emptions. Dino Fury will have its Nicktoons debut on Mondays and the Saturday at 8pm slot will have back to back Dino Fury episodes starting 3/6. They also changed the schedule to readd Sporix Unleased on 3/1.

Also, there will be a pre-emption the day of the KCA's on 3/13.