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Bonus Areas => Power Rangers Listings => Topic started by: KyL416 on July 01, 2021, 06:05:03 AM

Title: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: KyL416 on July 01, 2021, 06:05:03 AM
All Times Eastern/Pacific
Nickelodeon episodes are available 3 hours later via Nickelodeon West on DirecTV and Dish and Nick 2 on select digital cable providers
Schedule Subject to Change

Thursday, July 1

Friday, July 2
8:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Winning Attitude"
8:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Winning Attitude"

Saturday, July 3
8:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Winning Attitude"
8:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Superstition Strikes"

Sunday, July 4
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Destination Dinohenge"

Monday, July 5

Tuesday, July 6

Wednesday, July 7

Thursday, July 8

Friday, July 9
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Winning Attitude"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Superstition Strikes"
8:00pm Power Rangers (2017)

Saturday, July 10
8:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Lost Signal"
8:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "New Recruits"

Sunday, July 11
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Lost Signal"
9:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "Lost Signal"

Monday, July 12

Tuesday, July 13

Wednesday, July 14

Thursday, July 15

Friday, July 16

Saturday, July 17
7:00pm Power Rangers (2017)

Sunday, July 18

Monday, July 19

Tuesday, July 20

Wednesday, July 21

Thursday, July 22

Friday, July 23
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Stego Search"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Unexpected Guest"

Saturday, July 24
8:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Winning Attitude"
8:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Superstition Strikes"

Sunday, July 25
8:00am Power Rangers Dino Fury "New Recruits"

Monday, July 26

Tuesday, July 27

Wednesday, July 28

Thursday, July 29

Friday, July 30
7:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Destination Dinohenge"
7:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Sporix Unleashed"

Saturday, July 31
8:00pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Unexpected Guest"
8:30pm Power Rangers Dino Fury "Lost Signal"
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings
Post by: KyL416 on July 01, 2021, 06:05:38 AM
Yes...for whatever reason as of now they have Winning Attitude airing 3x in a row, including 1 back to back airing...
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/2
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on July 03, 2021, 07:12:16 AM
I should know by now that use of logic, etc., never works here BUT ...

With the Sunday Nick reruns hitting ep 4 on July 25, if they stay in order w/ no more pre-emptions, ep 8 hits on 8/22, which then lines up for the return to Saturdays and the new-to-Nick airing of ep 9 on Power Rangers Day, 8/28.

ADD: According to Zap, the now-you-see-it, now-you-don't Friday block is back on July 23.
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/10
Post by: KyL416 on July 10, 2021, 03:17:58 PM
Added the rest of July for Nicktoons, and yes another back to back airing of the same episode is on the schedule
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/16
Post by: KyL416 on July 16, 2021, 06:25:59 AM
Slight tweaks to the Nicktoons schedule for the last week of July.
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/2
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on July 24, 2021, 07:32:05 AM
Quote from: Burgundy Ranger on July 03, 2021, 07:12:16 AM
With the Sunday Nick reruns hitting ep 4 on July 25, if they stay in order w/ no more pre-emptions, ep 8 hits on 8/22, which then lines up for the return to Saturdays and the new-to-Nick airing of ep 9 on Power Rangers Day, 8/28.

And, this sequence continues with ep #5 on 8/1 and #6 on 8/8. They're 75% there, which gives Nick more than enough room to mess it up.
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/16
Post by: KyL416 on July 24, 2021, 01:46:21 PM
#7 is on 8/15

Nicktoons also appears to have stabilized for now:
Fridays: 7pm and 7:30pm
Saturdays: 8pm and 8:30pm
Sundays: 8:30am
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/16
Post by: grnrngr on July 25, 2021, 02:00:20 PM
The 8:30am Nicktoons slot this morning (7/25) was not PRDF. "Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks" aired instead.
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/16
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on July 25, 2021, 02:21:12 PM
And there goes "stable."
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: KyL416 on July 29, 2021, 06:04:33 AM
And now the Sunday Nicktoons episode is on at 7:30am for 8/1, and then back to 8:30am the following weeks.
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on July 30, 2021, 08:00:44 AM
Any peek at 8/22 and, more interestingly, 8/28?
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: KyL416 on July 30, 2021, 12:48:27 PM
Right now they end on 8/22:

Unexpected Guest on 8/21
Destination Dinohenge on 8/22
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: Theagames10 on July 30, 2021, 03:03:53 PM
Quote from: KyL416 on July 30, 2021, 12:48:27 PM
Right now they end on 8/22:

Unexpected Guest on 8/21
Destination Dinohenge on 8/22

But hold up... 8/21 is Unexpected Guest? On a Saturday? hmm...

Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: KyL416 on July 30, 2021, 04:37:14 PM
Yeah 8/21 gives some hope, but 8/22 going back to episode 1 kind of dashes that away. Maybe they're doubling up to eventually get to episode 9 in September, but then again we've had times where they didn't bother completing a run before resuming "new" episodes.
Title: Re: Power Rangers July Listings -- Updated 7/25
Post by: Burgundy Ranger on July 30, 2021, 09:26:12 PM
Quote from: KyL416 on July 30, 2021, 04:37:14 PM
Yeah 8/21 gives some hope, but 8/22 going back to episode 1 kind of dashes that away. Maybe they're doubling up to eventually get to episode 9 in September, but then again we've had times where they didn't bother completing a run before resuming "new" episodes.
Using the "whatever logic fits your agenda" approach:

Once they restore the Saturday slot, Sundays don't need as much examination. I'm riding on the #8 on 8/21=#9 on 8/28 logic.

Until you post otherwise.  ;D