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WOLF-DT in Hazleton, PA and NEPA HD Update

Started by KyL416, August 31, 2005, 05:36:48 PM


As of earlier this week, WOLF-DT out of Hazleton, PA (45/56-1) is now transmitting at full power of 420 kW.

In the next few months, WBRE-DT (11/28-1) out of Wilkes-Barre and WYOU-DT (13/22-1) out of Scranton should be at a full power of 30 kW and finally broadcasting in HD.

WSWB-DT (31/38-1) out of Scranton should be HD and full power sometime in the not too distant future.

For more info, go to


At Last! Great signal down here in Bethlehem (Northampton County).
I'm on the North side of the mountain, can't get any OTA signal from Philly.
Apartment complex is RCN cable only (No HDTV yet) and my balcony faces north (No DirecTV). But, $30 Radioshack antenna on the patio and I've got WNEP-DT at 90% signal strength, WVIA-DT at 80% and now WOLF-DT at 70%. Picture quality is same on all 3, flawless, no dropouts.
Still waiting for WYOU and WBRE to get their act together, the analog signal is only fair down here and I get only a trace of digital signal on 11-1 and 13-1


WYOU and WBRE has made a target date of early November as a worst case scenario.


WYOU and WBRE will be in HD by November 11 barring any major circumstances. The only factor now is the weather preventing tower work.


WBRE-DT (11) and WYOU-DT (13)  have increased their power and should be at full power by the end of the week. Testing of HD will occur this weekend and they will finally be officially in HD by the end of next week.


As of tonight, WYOU-DT (13/22-1) and WBRE-DT (11/28-1) are now at 100% power and broadcasting 1080i!